Dave Killilea - Company Director
"Few if any British kennels have in recent years made such an impact, not only at home, but in show rings the world over, as the Redwitch Akitas. To most people involved with the fancy, the name “Redwitch” instantly suggests top winning Akitas, but the members of one of the most successful partnerships in recent British dog lore have been involved with breeding and showing since long before that breed was introduced to the UK."
Extract from the Andrew Brace interview for Dog World Newspaper



A respected handler, Dave has made up Champions in many breeds, including Bulldogs, Akitas, Siberian Huskies, Rottweilers, Bouvier Des Flandres, Bernese Mountain Dogs & Giant Schnauzers, as well as winning many Groups and Best In Shows.
As with our commitment to showing and breeding dogs we have put the same effort into producing top quality premium feeds to ensure all dogs have a chance to be developed to their full potential.

As a kennel, Redwitch have always strived to produce perfection and in 2007 their efforts were recognised by “Dog World” magazine with the “Award of Excellence” for outstanding contributions to the world of dogs. In 2014, Dave followed this at the first ever “Pawscars” ceremony by winning the “Outstanding Achievement” award.
An esteemed National and International Show Judge, officiating all over Europe and the USA, Dave awards Challenge Certificates in multiple breeds and is also approved to judge the Working and Utility Groups in the UK. He has been appointed to judge at Crufts on numerous occasions, including the Working Group for 2018.
Dave, along with wife Jenny and their partner Arlene, are Top Breeders with over 40 years experience. Under the Redwitch Affix, they have bred and /or owned over 40 UK Akita Champions and won many Groups and Best In Shows in the UK, including Reserve Best In Show at Crufts 1999. They have also bred the No. 1 Akitas in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Sweden & Denmark and have Top Winners in many other countries. Their dogs have won Groups at Crufts, the World Show, the European Show and Westminster.